The Committee Members, Aims, & Objectives                          


  IMCHK expect to lay down the foundation for excellence. The Council and all its committees will be putting their focus and energy in the four broad objectives stated above. To do that, we will be bringing about results through initial activities:


Membership Committee 

  • Finding ways to protect our members through the adoption and improvement of a group coverage for professional indemnity insurance or travel insurance.
  • Asking you to participate in a committee.
  • Finding ways for you to network with other consultants outside Hong Kong and to enhance your leads with prospects.



Knowledge Management and Training Development Committee 

  • Structuring a mentoring framework whereby international experts are willing to provide their know-how to junior consultants.
  • Beginning to put together a framework or reference for a depository of best consulting practices that can be accessed by our members.
  • Working with practitioners in knowledge management to understand how organisations are adapting to this new areas and how consultants can help.
  • Pulling together our understanding of how the Internet has changed management consultancy and working with the T&D Committee in sourcing experts who can share their knowledge with members.
  • Identifying your training needs and putting in place an annual schedule of training activities that would enhance the marketability of the consultant's services.
  • Working with various Institutes of Management and Business Schools to accredit the training offered, linking them possibly to some form of educational certification, i.e., Masters Degree in Consulting.
  • Structuring and bringing to Hong Kong management consultancy competency training, and the continuous development credit system that goes with such training.
  • Launching our Master Series workshops, complemented by Master's Classes, Mentor's Roundtable, and Industrial Sharing for practitioners.



Certification Committee    

  • Adopting the Amsterdam International Competency Certification Model for Hong Kong.
  • Setting a schedule for certification, at least twice a year, for members.
  • Linking the Amsterdam Model to the Masters Degree at prestigious universities.



Development and Communication Committee  

  • Selecting a Patron of Honour who will officiate our formal certification process, advocate our cause at a higher international level, and encourage us to be exposed to even more international best practices.
  • Putting together a set of guidelines for clients to use in the selection of consultants.
  • Working closely with the Management Consulting Association, a trade association, in ways to enhance market acceptance and recognition of our industry.
  • Joining hands with the ICMCI in getting the World Bank and the United Nations to recognize our certification of management consultants.



Governance and Planning Committee

  • Building a governance arrangement to ensure proper checks and balances while allowing maximum latitude to the council members so that they may continue to build the Institute.
  • Putting together and implementing a surplus-generating plan that will continue to strengthen the financial muscle needed to achieve our mission.
  • Reviewing on matters such as governance, management and CMC standard.   



Ethics and Disciplinary Committee

  • Working with other institutes and using external examiners, improve and reinforce IMCHK's Code of Professional Conduct. Actively promoting the Code to potential clients.
  • Working with the Advisory Council, install a system for clients to air their grievances and to mediate between member and clients.
  • Developing additional guidelines for subcontracting, promotion, and charging of management consulting services.



Nominating and Election Committee

  • Setting in the foundation for the continual participation and leadership of new and existing members.